Tuesday, December 18, 2007

PDS2PDS Version 4 Under Way

I don't know if anyone remembers (or cares) but between 1996 and 1999 I wrote a utility called PDS2PDS for IBM ISPF under MVS.

It hasn't been changed or updated since sometime in 1999. Lately I got the idea to completely rewrite it. Version 4 will be written in Enterprise COBOL rather than REXX. It will have the ability to display using 132-column panels as well as 80-column panels, but trust me, you'll want to use the wide display.

Since the rewrite project is just beginning I decided to post progress reports here.

Current status:

The main REXX exec that issues the LIBDEF and TSOLIB commands to establish the working environment is written.

The main and member display panels are written, although some work still needs to be done on the 80-column member list display panel.

The main COBOL program is written. This program displays and processes the main and member list panels and will either execute or call programs to execute the global and line commands entered by the user. I haven't decided yet which way to go with that.

I'm reusing two COBOL programs from the previous version of PDS2PDS. I've just made minor changes to the program that reads the PDS directories and the one that builds the ISPF table displayed on the member list panel.

New Features:

Here is a partial list of new features for Version 4:

  • Uses 132-column display as well as 80-column display.
  • Has a PROMPT field that lets the user enter a new member name for copy, move, and rename commands - this field will also be used to show results of commands.
  • Allows the user to modify the dataset name, member matching parameters, and the Include/Exclude flag on the member list display.
  • Will have at least one new global and line command called Swap, which will swap members between datasets

I'm toying with the idea of creating a simple way for users to add their own global and line commands to the utility, but I haven't given it too much thought just yet.

There's much to do. I haven't written any code yet to implement any of the global or line commands, none of the help panels are written, and I'm still deciding about features that I may or may not add to the utility. So it will be months before anything is released, but I plan to post progress updates here on a semi-regular basis.

Here are some screen shots of the main and member list panels as they look today:

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